Author: anna@suburbanite
Sunrise 2020 Market Outlook
Suburbanite Principal, Anna Porter, visited the Sunrise Studios on January 2nd to share her 2020 market predictions. She gave a comphrensive look into the trends for 2019 and predicted the next moves. You can view the television segment here:
2020 Market Outlook: Who are the predicted Winners and Losers of Australian Property for 2020? There’s one player about to take a surprise hit…
Many property commentators won’t forecast the year ahead and discuss what and where they think you should be buying in 2020. What markets are hot? What markets are not? What should you avoid? Anna Porter, valuer, property commentator and Suburbanite CEO explains her opinion on the year ahead for Australian real estate. Anna and her company…
EXPOSED: If you’re not getting a free car or other incentive with your unit purchase you’re missing out
There’s been plenty of chatter in recent weeks on the growing stimulation of the property market, the climb of house values and the overall confidence boost in the market but one property analyst warns units are still not being sold. Anna Porter, Principal of Suburbanite, property analyst and market commentator reveals agents are ramping up…
Business or Pleasure: What to consider before snapping up a holiday home
Don’t be fooled! Holiday homes don’t always make a good investment. Anna Porter recently provided commentary to The New Daily on what to look out for. Read more here >
A burning impact to property values in the wake of a fiery start to bushfire season.
The recent and ongoing bushfires in Australia are leaving a devastating impact on our people, property and wildlife. Unfortunately, they also leave a negative impact on property values. According to Suburbanite Principal, Property Economist and Commentator, Anna Porter, the fires can impact property values and even the homes that are spared can be financially hit…
10 Australian properties giving away freebies to tempt buyers
Did you get a freebie with your property purchase? Anna shared some insight with Yahoo Finance. Check out the article here:
Anna Porter and Cameron Kusher speak to ABC The Business
Anna Porter joined the ABC team in studio to discuss the bullish predictions on property prices. You can view the segment here:
Have you ever been gazumped? Lost to a cash offer? Rushed through a purchase? Guess which state is the hardest to buy a property in!
What are the top three hardest states to buy property in, and which is the easiest? We take a deep dive into the buying process to help you navigate if your state is amongst the hardest property markets in the country. Property economist and Principal of Suburbanite, Anna Porter has ranked the states and shared…
Anna blows the whistle on Airbnb Scam
Anna Porter featured on Real Estate Talk with Kevin Turner to blow the whistle on an Airbnb scam. You can listen to the podcast here:
The future of property in Australia
Suburbanite founder and director, Anna Porter, joined The Switzer Show for a great episode on the future of property in Australia. John McGrath and Andrew Ballantyne were also guests on the show. You can view the episode here:
How to choose an apartment that will go up in value
Anna Porter recently weighed in on this article in The Australian Financial Review. She advised on facilities like pools and spas…You can view the full article here:
Where are house prices headed?
Anna Porter joined Peter Switzer on his podcast to explore the current state of the market. You can listen to the podcast here: