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Author: wbd@admin

  • Is it time to jump OFF the Brisbane bandwagon?

    When our principal Anna Porter recently toured the country with Mark Bouris, one of the most frequently asked questions was around the opportunities and risks in QLD for investors. It seems that every second property investment firms are spruiking QLD at the moment. We have a little bit of the footage from her insights on…

  • Financial Security – Home Truths You Need To Know

    Ever wondered how your financial security future measures up? Are you on track or headed for a disaster? Rate your financial security on a scale of 1-5 to find out. Financial Security Measures On a scale of 1-5 do you feel you will have enough money in retirement to live the lifestyle you want? On…

  • Where our experts are buying their own investments

    Want to know where the property investment experts are buying their own properties? Anna is sourcing three more properties for her portfolio in 2016 and in this video she reveals where they will be and why!  

  • Million Dollar Property Mistake

    Why property selection is critical, even in a rising market. At Suburbanite we work closely with real estate agents across the country when sourcing high quality investment properties for our clients. The normal channels of researching advertised properties in targeted locations puts us in regular contact with the listing agents, and this relationship ensures we…

  • Ready to buy your dream home but feel like it’s out of reach?

    Does this sound like you? Are you a younger individual or couple with a relatively small deposit? Are you renting, or still living at home? Do you feel like the market is out of reach, or you will never be able to get into your dream home? If you can relate, then you should consider…

  • Don’t fall into the negative growth trap

    Recently while researching for my upcoming book, Whistle Blower, I decided to look into the performance of some of the key markets that many property investment firms place their customers into. Typically, these markets are heavily dominated by new builds, creating an oversupply of properties. I knew, as a valuer and property investment professional, that…

  • PROPOSED NEGATIVE GEARING REFORM will make developers rich and Mum’s and Dad’s poor

    Anna Porter, a former valuer and property investment expert tells us how the market will be impacted if the negative gearing reform comes to fruition. As many know the opposition leader, Bill Shorten has proposed significant changes to negative gearing in Australia. He proposes to remove investors’ ability to claim on negative gearing for established…

  • One For One Strategy

    Building a high performing portfolio with our “One For One Strategy” Building a portfolio that performs is all about getting the strategy right and aligning it with your goals. If you want to know how to have a portfolio that you can retire on, then keep reading…. To ensure that our investors have a high performing portfolios…

  • Brisbane Property Market

    Brisbane Property Market – What the other firms don’t want you to know Find out what is happening in the Brisbane property market that the other investment firms don’t want you to know! brisbane market wrap from Anna Porter on Vimeo.

  • Stress Test Your Investment

    Purchasing a property is an exciting time but also a big decision. Whether it be your own home or an investment, it is something that most people only do a few times in their lifetime. Before you take the plunge, it is paramount that you weigh up both the benefits and the risks involved. In…