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Author: wbd@admin

  • The Sydneysider’s guide to renting…Based on RAI findings

    Camping could be the only affordable solution for the average earner The gap between housing stress and distress is unserviced If you can handle two-bedrooms, there are still options in Sydney and surrounds I’ve taken a look at the Rental Affordability Index (RAI), released yesterday, and what it really means for Sydney’s renters and prospective house buyers. You’ll want…

  • SPOTLIGHT ON: Queensland

      Whilst Queensland may have something for everyone, investors are beginning to reap the benefits. In fact, the Queensland story is just beginning. We are only just at the opening chapter of how the exciting projects will impact the market. Destination Brisbane Consortium; development of the Queen’s Wharf is already setting up the market for…

  • Investing Outside the Box – How about Serviced Apartments?

    More often than not, higher yields scream higher risk. This is no different for investing in serviced apartments. By definition, a serviced apartment is a fully serviced apartment that is available for stays both long and short term which provides hotel-like amenities such as room service, fitness centres, laundries and recreation rooms. A builder/developer builds…

  • Chatting with Mark Bouris all things property investment!


  • Why Hobart & Adelaide’s rankings in the latest QBE report don’t quite add up..

    While I agree with QBE’s assessment that Canberra will be one of the stronger performers in the country due to a lack of housing supply, they’ve grossly overestimated Hobart’s potential growth and overlooked the signs of strength in Adelaide. QBE have made a bold projection in their Australian Housing Outlook report, released last month. Let’s start in the…

  • Anna call’s out QBE’s Housing Outlook predictions as ‘Ballsy”

    With claims of Hobart set for profit and Adelaide predicted to have marginal rises, a property commentator has come out and says she doesn’t believe this would be the case. Following the release of the QBE Australian Housing Outlook 2017-2020 report, property valuer, investment adviser, property market commentator and author Anna Porter said Hobart’s future success has…

  • Investing Outside the Box – All Eyes on AirBnb

    In a world of Block Chain and the shared economy are we missing out on opportunities by not latching onto these initiatives? Are we worse off for not using Bitcoin for property purchases or putting our house on Airbnb whilst we enjoy our summer vacation? With these new initiatives comes new challenges. Challenges in both…

  • All eyes to Adelaide as predicted by Anna

    All eyes to Adelaide as predicted by Anna

    A Sydney-based property investment specialist says all eyes should move from the eastern states to Adelaide, with current infrastructure initiatives and subsequent employment growth more than compensating for manufacturing losses in recent years. Anna Porter, a property market author, commentator and former valuer who works with first time and experienced investors on building high-performance portfolios,…

  • Where is property market success projected to be heading?

    At a recent Q&A following a presentation, Anna explored Canberra as an investment opportunity and delved into the purchasing of units. According to the latest QBE Housing Outlook Report, The Australian Capital Territory has the highest percentage of investor loans at 21.4%. Population growth is one of the key indicators that impacts the property market…

  • Unlocking the Property Market – Focus on Wollongong, Central Coast & Newcastle

    As a property investment advisor and former property valuer, I see many good and many bad investments. At each event I present at someone will always tell me that property values always go up, and that values always double every 7-10 years. I can tell you, this is certainly not always the case. We meet…

  • Unlocking the Property Market – 2017 CAPITAL CITY OVERVIEW

    As a former property valuer I certainly love data and we spend much of our time pawing over graphs and charts that help us piece together the puzzle that is the property market.  When the latest corelogic data comes out our research team go into overdrive to see where the best opportunities lie and what…

  • Investing Outside the Box – Spotlight on Snow Properties

    At Suburbanite we typically look at bread and butter style investment properties, the ones that are safe as houses – excuse the pun. This makes the most financial sense for our mum and dad investors. But, lets jump out of the box for a moment and take a look at some of the more left…