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Author: anna@suburbanite

  • Labor or Liberal? What your vote means for the property market

    The 2019 Federal Election could turn the property market around or be detrimental. Between Labor and Liberal, there has been a series of policies announced set to impact the property market today. Anna Porter, Suburbanite Principal, valuer, author and property commentator explains what your vote means for the property market. The Liberal Party, was first…

  • Why do agents put properties to auction?

    Anna Porter shared with the Your Money panel the tricks and secrets behind putting a property to auction and explains why even in a soft market agents still opt for this method of sale. You can view the segment here    

  • Property Price Drop

    Property Price Drop

    Our Principal and Founder, Anna Porter, joined in on a Sunrise segment on Friday 9th of May. She explored the opportunities still to be had in the property market.

  • Asset 360 Report – May 2019

    The Asset 360 Report takes Clubs, Not for Profits (NFP’s and broad portfolio investors behind the property market. The May Edition is titled Special Feature: A look inside the biggest property players in the country and how due diligence plays a key role in acquiring, developing and managing their assets. Access the report here: Asset…

  • How to nab an off-market property bargain

    Anna Porter shares the tips and tricks of buying off-market but also issues some cautions. You can view the Your Money segment here:

  • What to look for in regional real estate

    The dollars and cents of regional investing look attractive but there are some things to look out for. Anna shared the traps and strategies for regional investing with Your Money. You can watch the video here:

  • Which city has ruled property over 20 years?

    Hint: It’s not Sydney. Anna Porter explored the winner with Your Money. You can view the segment here:

  • The comeback of the regional markets but a burn for first home buyers…Here’s what the 2019 Federal Budget means for the property market

    The 2019 Federal Budget proudly delivered news of a surplus of more than $7 billion. Whilst ambitious in nature, first home buyers should gear up to feel the burn BUT with some undertones of stability and sustainability, the property market could get the boost it’s been waiting for. Property commentator and valuer, Anna Porter of…

  • The five suburbs across Australia where house prices are set to rise

    There’s 5 suburbs where house prices are set to rise across Australia…The New Daily has exposed these and they may not be where you think! Check it out here >

  • First home buyers hit 6 year high

    Our Founder and CEO, Anna Porter said the Federal Budget should have had more financial stimulus to help first home buyers (who have hit a 6 year HIGH!) Anna weighed in on the conversation for Check it out here >

  • How will the 2019 Budget affect the property market?

    Our founder & CEO, Anna Porter, was one of the first to give insight on how the Budget will affect the property market. She shared this with Your Money during a LIVE segment immediately after the Budget delivery. You can catch up on the segment here:  

  • Darwin prices slump to 2007 levels

    Darwin prices slump to 2007 levels

    Invested in Darwin? Did you know the prices have hit 2007 levels? Anna Porter shared some insight with The Australian Financial Review. You can view the article here: